Robin Stevens
Robin Stevens Photography
Paterson, NJ
Verona Park 2023
I take photography very seriously and learn from as many sources as possible, I also study many online programs to assist me in developing the best photograph possible. I am a continual learner and am always looking for a way to present my craft in the best means possible.
I have been chosen by hospitals and medical centers in various states who have purchased my photographs to display and I have been told by many individuals that my pieces present a relaxing feel. That is the biggest compliment I have received. I am constantly inspired by other photographers, critiques and being out in nature and with people. My passion has grown throughout the years and I am overwhelmed and humbled by the feedback I have received. I look for scenes that people would love to walk into. I enjoy sharing that personal experience through my photography. I love when people verbalize what they feel when looking at my photography.